Just a few days ago, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Andy Levin (D-MI) outlined an ambitious bill that seeks to establish EV infrastructure throughout the United States’ highway system. The Electric Vehicle Freedom Act is still in the preliminary stages of development but hopes to have the project done within the next five years. The EV Freedom Act aims to not only expand on green EV infrastructure but also promote universal compatibility between all cars and chargers and create thousands of sustainable jobs. In a press release last week, Levin passionately delivered the announcement, alluding to President Eisenhower’s plan to unite America using a system of highways. Levin goes on to state “Six-decades later, it’s time to expand on that idea and bring America’s infrastructure into the 21st century.” So far, the plan has been backed by transportation, EV, labor, and environmentalist groups. Even with this support, the EV Freedom Act has a long road ahead before it gets passed. To read more on the EV Freedom Act, check out the original press release on Representative Levin’s website.